Local Rules
Out of Bounds
Beyond a boundary object. Beyond the white stakes to the right of the 10th green and to the rear of the 18th green.
Stones in bunkers are loose impediments. Rule 15.1a applies;
There is no free relief for an embedded ball in the sandy "waste areas" on hole 5, which are not bunkers, but part of the general area.
Changes to 5th Hole
Please note that the waste areas to the left and right of the path are not bunkers, they are part of the general area. In these areas the ball should be played as it lies, or the player may declare the ball unplayable and proceed under penalty according to Rule 19.2.
Areas where gorse has been removed
Areas where gorse has been removed and the ground levelled; beware that some roots may remain. Unless specifically marked, these areas are not ground under repair. A ball coming to rest in these areas should be played as it lies, or the player may declare the ball unplayable and proceed under penalty according to Rule 19.2.
Flower Beds
Flower beds around the clubhouse which lie inside the course boundary are Ground Under Repair. Play from these areas is prohibited and players must proceed under Rule 16.1.
The road to the rear of the 3rd green and bordering the 18th hole is an integral object, a part of the course, and the player must either play the ball as it lies, or take penalty relief for an Unplayable Ball, Rule 19.2.
All paths with artificial surfaces are immovable obstructions. Free relief may be obtained under Rule 16.1.
In relation to the path to the right of the 13th hole where the nearby fence is within 2 club lengths of the right edge of this path, the obstruction is deemed to extend to the fence, with the path and the intervening ground forming a single obstruction. If claiming free relief, players should accordingly identify the nearest point of complete relief not nearer the hole. Where the path and the fence are more than two club lengths apart, they should be treated as separate immovable obstructions.
Fixed Sprinkler Heads
Fixed sprinkler heads are immovable obstructions. Free relief from interference may be obtained under Rule 16.1
In addition, if a ball lies in the general area and an immovable obstruction on or within two club-lengths of the putting green of the hole being played and within two club-lengths of the ball intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may take free relief as follows:
The ball must be lifted and dropped within one club length of the point where the ball lay which
a) is not nearer the hole, and
b) avoids such intervention, and
c) is not in a penalty area or on a putting green.
The ball may be cleaned when lifted
Exception: a player may not take relief under this local rule if interference by anything other than the obstruction makes the stroke clearly impractical.
Immovable Obstructions
(a) staked trees
(b) All 150 yard markers (green posts)
(c) Internal fencing between holes 10, 11 and 12 and between holes 13 and 15.
If such a tree or stake interferes with a players stance or the area of his intended swing, the ball must be lifted, without penalty, and dropped in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rule 14.3b. The ball may be cleaned when lifted.
In the case of yardage markers and internal fencing, the player may take free relief as above, or elect to play the ball as it lies.
Power Line
If a ball strikes the power line during the playing of the 1st hole, the stroke is cancelled and the player must play a ball from where the original stroke was made in accordance with Rule 14.6.
Penalty for playing the ball from a wrong place in breach of a local rule: General Penalty
Health & Safety
There are a few areas on the course that you should take care on.
- There are potential blind spots on the following holes depending on the tee used, please take care to check whether players ahead are out of range - 3rd/6th/10th/12th & 15th.
- Please take care in the rough in case of uneven ground. Areas such as the 13th and 16th holes contain uneven ground.